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Losing hair? Don’t despair, get a head start with a hair transplant.
Due to its success in treating hair loss issues, hair transplant in ahmedabad has become increasingly popular in India. An increasing number of people are choosing this minimally invasive surgery because it helps to restore hair growth that looks natural. The high end technology and processes available with the hair transplant clinic in ahmedabad has redulted in high success rate in this cosmetic procedure. Highly qualified surgeons and cutting-edge facilities are allowing people with thin or vanishing hairline to restore their confidence.

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The significance of hair in our lives cannot be overstated..

Assure Cosmetic Studio has a team of experienced cosmetic studio specialists who are loved for its cutting-edge aesthetic solutions for hair replacement, skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal, tattoo removal and weight loss. Their focus is always on safety, satisfaction, and superior results. They specialize in hair replacement, skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal, tattoo removal, and weight loss treatments. With personalized care and comprehensive consultations, our experienced transplant surgeon offers informed decisions for every patient. We prioritize your comfort. This is why, we also have lodging and commuting arrangements for out station patients. At Assure Cosmetic Studio, expect nothing less than top-tier treatments delivered with advanced technology and personalized attention.


Experts of hair transplant clinic in ahmedabad primarily use two techniques: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):  FUT, also known as the strip method, involves surgically removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, typically the back of the head. This strip is then dissected into individual follicular units and transplanted into the recipient area. The flip side is that it includes higher yield of grafts per session and lower cost. However, it leaves a linear scar and requires longer recovery time.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): FUE involves extracting individual follicular units directly from the donor area using a small punch tool. These units are then transplanted into the recipient area. Pros include minimal scarring, shorter recovery time, and no linear scar. However, it may yield fewer grafts per session and can be more expensive.

Both techniques offer effective solutions for hair restoration. The choice of hair replacement in Ahmedabad individuals depends on personal needs, preferences, and the expertise of the surgeon.

Eligibility for Hair Transplants

Understanding the necessary criteria helps patients determine their eligibility and set realistic expectations for hair transplant procedures. The popularity for hair transplant in ahmedabad has seen a considerable rise in the last couple of years however, we strictly advice to have a proper consultation with a qualified surgeon. He /she can help you understand the roadmap and also create personalized assessments and treatment plans.
  • Age: While there’s no strict age limit, however candidates should typically be above 21 years old. This ensures maturity and reduces the likelihood of premature hair loss concerns.
  • Type of Hair Loss: Androgenetic Alopecia candidates with good donor hair are often suitable. However, if there’s any other types like Alopecia Areata, hair restoration may not be possible.
  • Follicle Volume: Sufficient healthy follicles are necessary for successful transplantation. Adequate donor hair volume is one of the major factors for achieving desired results.
  • Hair Type or Texture: Surgeons evaluate the hair thickness and texture during consultations. Thicker hair is generally preferred for better surgical outcomes.
  • Scalp Flexibility: Scalp laxity is evaluated to determine candidacy. A flexible scalp allows for easier follicle insertion, especially in FUT procedures, resulting in less visible scarring.

Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Initial Consultation:  The process begins with a thorough consultation with an expert of hair transplant in ahmedabad. During this session, he evaluates the patient’s hair loss pattern, discusses realistic goals, and then recommends a suitable treatment plan.
  • Preparation and Anaesthesia:  IOn the day of the procedure, the patient has to undergo local anaesthesia. Before this, the area is trimmed where the actual transplant will happen.
  • Donor Area Harvesting: Hair follicles are harvested from the donor area. Most commonly, it is located at the back or sides of the scalp. The surgeon uses either follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT) techniques to carefully extract individual follicular units.
  • Recipient Site Preparation:  Once an adequate number of hair follicles are harvested, tiny incisions are made in the recipient area.
  • Graft Placement:  The harvested hair follicles are carefully transplanted as per the hair density requirement and design. This is where it is necessary to reach out to a trusted cosmetic studio for optimal aesthetic results.
  • Post-Procedure Care:  After the transplant, the patient gets all instructions for post-operative care. As this is a non-invasive technique, it is often done on an outpatient basis.
  • Follow-Up Appointments:  Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress, address any concerns, and track hair growth.

Recovery After Hair Transplant

For best outcomes following the hair transplant in ahmedabad procedure, it is absolutely necessary to have proper post-operative care. This involves some basic activities such as keeping the scalp clean and dry, avoiding strenuous activities and exposure to direct sunlight, and taking prescribed medications as directed. Make sure to avoid any scratching or rubbing the scalp as that might hamper the follicular unit.

Sometimes, there can be instances of bruising, redness, and swelling. However, they are typically seen after almost every transplants. This passes after a few weeks. In fact, it is also normal to experience some shedding of transplanted hair within the first few weeks after the procedure.

The healing process takes a week on average, and it takes three to four months for new hair to start growing. For the best results and to minimize the risk of complications, it’s essential to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions diligently. Speak with an experienced professional at a hair transplant clinic in ahmedabad before you start the hair restoration process. New hair growth typically begins to appear within three to four months, with full results becoming evident within 6-12 months post-procedure.

FUE INSTA PRO METHOD used for extra high density

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What they say?

Kevin martin

Gopi Patel

I got amazing results for my hair transplant iand the staff is very polite and humble. They are providing great services.I recommend this clinic for hair and skin related issues.
Sarah albert

Raj Levuva

Had my issues with hair fall when I started treatment at assure studio.Got done my hair transplant as well as with the existing hair loss issues with excellent results. Thankyou assure.
david cooper

Kamlesh Vaghela

This is the best hair transplant clinic in ahmedabad. They give guaranteed results for hair transplant. I did the treatment 6 months back and have got good results.

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday 09:00 am - 07:00 pm

have Questions? Call Now!

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(+91) 97-37-120-690

What are the common causes of hair loss?

There are many reasons causing hair loss including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions like thyroid disorders, stress, poor nutrition, and side effects certain medications. Environmental factors like pollution and harsh water can also cause hair loss or bald patch.

Am I a good candidate for a hair transplant?

Anyone with consistent hair loss can be considered a good candidate for hair transplant. Proper hair restoration and hair grafts can be successfully done with the consultation of a qualified hair transplant surgeon in Ahmedabad.

What happens during a hair transplant procedure?

During a hair transplant procedure, hair follicular units are implanted from the donor area (which is usually the back or sides of the scalp) and transplanted into the recipient area (balding or thinning areas). The surgeon carefully creates tiny incisions in the recipient area and the expert of the cosmetic studio can create natural-looking results.

What is the recovery time after a hair transplant?

The recovery time after a hair transplant varies from person to person, but most patients can expect some redness, swelling, and scabbing in and around the transplant area for a few days to a week. When done under the supervision of an expert transplant surgeon, most people can resume normal activities within a few days. It is, however advised to avoid strenuous activities for at least a couple of weeks.

What are the potential side effects of hair transplant surgery?

Potential side effects of hair transplant surgery may include temporary swelling, bruising, itching, and numbness. In rare cases, chances of infection, bleeding, or scarring are also reported. However, choosing a skilled and experienced advanced hair transplant surgeon can minimize these risks.

Do you offer financing options for hair transplants?

Yes, we understand that hair transplant surgery is a significant investment. We offer financing options to make the procedure more accessible to our candidates.

What are the expected results of a hair transplant?

Confidence is something that comes naturally to those who experience successful hair transplant. It gives a natural-looking, permanent hair growth in the transplanted areas.

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